Monday, June 29, 2009

Make a Statment. Win a Statement. Sort of...

Win a Statement! The post headline on got my attention, that's for sure. And maybe that was the point. In any case, the folks at Statement Marine are kicking off a new monthly contest where they are asking fans to submit a "statement." It might be a personal belief or thought (like "Just Do It") - it might be marketing-related to statement boats, and it make or may not utilize the word "statement." It's up to you!

PHOTO CREDIT: Statement Marine, LLC

Just decide what you want to say and post it in one of the "Make a Statement" threads on any of the popular offshore boards online, like
SeriousOffshore or OffshoreOnly. According to the company, the monthly prize includes (sorry, not a boat) five shirts sent to you with Your Statement! on them (Retail Value $100). Each month, a winning Statement will be selected, and a company representative will notify the winner. Statement Marine, LLC will then use your Statement! in their marketing efforts; you can enter as many times as you like with the same Statement! or create a new Statement! each time. C'mon...Give it a shot!

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