Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shore Dreams for Kids: Boating for a Good Cause

One of the brightest spots every summer is at Shore Dreams for Kids, an annual event dedicated to entertaining over 500 special needs children and their families throughout the New Jersey area to a day at the shore. They include participants in the Special Olympics, children of Make A Wish, Oceans of Love Support Group for Children with Cancer and other mentally and physically challenged children. This great day of fun and entertainment is designed to offer a real "carnival atmosphere" complete with games and small rides, an antique car display, food and drinks and live entertainment.

PHOTO CREDITS: Shore Dreams for Kids

Of course, the highlight of the whole event continues to be the Performance Powerboat rides in Barnegat Bay. The boat rides are provided by a large group of offshore powerboaters, including members of the New Jersey Performance Powerboat Club (NJPPC) who generously volunteer their time & their boats to share with those less fortunate.

Shore Dreams for Kids is committed to bringing community awareness to those children who love the open water, and who may never be able to experience the thrill of power boating. The men and women who help make the annual event possible are a unique group of people who love the water, life and their cause. It's amazing to see the joy in the children’s eyes after riding in a performance powerboat, and it's a great reason to get involved.

PHOTO CREDITS: Shore Dreams for Kids

This year's event is scheduled for Saturday, July 19, 2009, from 11:00am – 3:00pm, at the Seaside Heights Municipal Dock and Ball Park – RT. 35, Seaside Heights. If you're an area powerboater who'd like to put a smile on one of these kids faces, or if you just want to volunteer in some capacity, they could certainly use your help. Visit the website, for complete information, or make a donation now here. It's a great cause!

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