Thursday, June 23, 2011

Operation Dry Water Promotes Safe Boating This Weekend with BUI Enforcement

Operated carelessly, any boat can be dangerous--but this is even more the case with high performance boats, where size, speed and power can quickly multiply the effects of a bad decision. Most responsible offshore powerboaters are aware of this, and take care to avoid the risks involved in drinking and boating; moreover, most organized events, like poker runs, have strict enforcement policies when it comes to drinking and participation.


This weekend, law enforcement organizations across the country are joining together through "Operation Drywater" to raise awareness about BUI (Boating Under the Influence) promoting enforcement aimed at reducing the number of alcohol and drug-related accidents and fatalities and fostering a stronger and more visible deterrent to alcohol and drug use on the water.Curbing the number of alcohol and drug-related accidents and fatalities is key to achieving a safer and more enjoyable environment for recreational boating. According to the most recent U.S. Coast Guard statistics, Boating Under the Influence is still the leading contributing factor in fatal boating accidents, with 17 percent of boating fatalities a direct result of alcohol or drug use. 

No one wants to take the fun out of boating, or stop people from having a good time on the water. But the purpose of the weekend is to remind boaters that if you want to drink, do it after your boating day is over, or be sure to enjoy it in a responsible manner. Also be aware that drunken passengers can put themselves in danger, despite your best efforts--and they can be a significant distraction while you're operating the boat.Take care...and you'll take everyone back home at the end of the day.

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